This Week at Pulling Together: 20/01/2021

This week at Pulling Together we completed the Canva Presentation of Rites of Passage. Using Canva has given some of Pulling Together confidence in making a video presentation with an online program. Some of the members have been so happy learning this new skill that they will use it on their own as well as hoping to continue using it during the Body Talk project. One member said “there are so many pre-made templates as well as the chance to build from scratch. And I can upload my own images if I need to use them.”

This Week at Pulling Together: 15/01/2021

This week at Pulling Together we completed the soft book on Rites of Passage. Thank you to all the members who help stitch up the final book. We also continued with our twice weekly sessions on Body Talk. A project funded by Comic Relief. During this project we hope to look at body image and self-esteem. We hope to encourage the women to become peer mentors who are proud of their bodies whatever shape and size. Women will have the opportunity to seek out information on available support, especially now that we’re in lockdown. We aim to create canvases that depict positive body images and words.

Rites of Passage Book