This Week at Pulling Together: 10/11/2021

This week at Pulling Together we continued with our Taste of Asian Arts project. This week we arranged for our kite decorating kits to be sent to the members. Thank you to everyone who joined us this week to decorate their individual kites. We are all looking forward to the day when we can fly them together. Kite flying is often done at the start of spring in Pakistan and India and referred to as Basant.

This Week at Pulling Together 03/11/2021

This week at Pulling Together we have begun our Taste Of Asian Arts Project . Each week we will be looking at various Asian Arts and delivering packs for each of the members to do during our Wednesday evening sessions. At the end of the six weeks we hope to have developed lots of beautiful objects that can be displayed in our homes and at the Limelight centre when Covid restrictions are lifted. This week some of the members tried embroidery and produced some beautiful wall hangings.